How does Michael Sandel support the thesis that "over the past three decades we have drifted from having a market economy to becoming a market society?"

A market economy had become a valuable tool and effective for organizing productive activity, however, this have been changing to market society, because it is the place where almost everything is up for sale, it is a way of life  where market thinking and market values reach in two sphere of life previously governed by other values non market values.

What sorts of arguments are offered for and against the assumed proposal of paying young children two dollars for every book, they read?

On the video we saw some arguments are offered for and against; people who argument against, they say that read is a passion and love and if you have these you don´t need that somebody pay you. In addition, they argue that it will be a bad idea because children will take the reading in a wrong way, they will love the money and no the reading.
On the other hand, people who are a favor, they argue that money is a jump-start to get them to love reading, also money could be a motivation that they need like physical prize. Beside, financial incentives motivate to children to read more books that children that read in a mandatory way.

Now, what is your standpoint about cash incentives at school or home to encourage students to read more books?
Reading is a skill that you get through your life; however, childhood is the most important time to love reading. It is fundamental to find the best way to teach students to love reading. I think that, reading have to be a passion and children read without an incentive. Because, the prize could be more important than reading.

When Michael Sandel contends that "this tendency of markets and cash incentives of crowding out nonmarket goods, higher goods, can be seen in may spheres of social life, what sort of "higher goods" do you think he is refering to?

The marketization of everything means that increasingly people of affluence and people of modest means live separate lives we live, work, shop, and play in different places. However, at the end is not the mainly an economic question. It´s really a question about how we want to live together, do we want a society where everything is up for sale or are there certain moral.

What kind of nonmaterial goods do you think have been crowded out by market transactions in Colombia?

Colombia has structural problems in the economy that prevent a better distribution of wealth; one of this is bad distribution of pays, because some people earn much money than others to have a basic level of education. In addition, the regional differences, the government disburse more money to some central regions, contrary to far away regions.

What should be the role of money and markets in our Colombian society?

Fighting against of inequality is a way to attack poverty. At the same time, an unequal society with a lack of opportunities, it´s perceived as unfair. Also, reducing the distrust of people, and overcome obstacles. Education is one of the bases to form a critical society, and be able to see beyond of the world that surround you.

Resultado de imagen para overcome a bad economy


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