Emotional Self-Managment
For me, the emotions that are most difficult manage, when others disagree with me are when I try to explain something and the person resistance to change, because they feel afraid, or disappointed about that. After I have tried to explain to the person in a good way many times and he/she keep with a close mind to the changes, beside this kind of person will reject all the possible solutions, it will be stressful, so I tried to hand out some possibilities and let him/her to choose the best one.
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For me, the influences on my own thinking that I need to be most aware of so they don´t prejudice my thinking, because I am a person who with a clear thinks about my believes. Especially when people talk me or try to change my way to think about religion. People will talk to you in a certain way with evidences which can be true or false, but all these influences will affect the religious believes, if you believes are weak. Therefore, for that reason we have to become aware of your own self-talk about other groups of people who want you to change the way of believe or think.

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Challenging Opinions 
For me, the things I find most difficult about challenging the opinions of other people is abortion, because many people see this topic in three different ways. First, people who believe that women are autonomous to decide if keep the pregnancy on or stop this. Other people believe that you are not able to decide on the life of another human being, these kind of person is very conservative or religious. Third, people whom do not take a position about this, because they have not lived this situation by themselves and they do not know what would be the step to follow, for that reason they forbear from making any decision, and into this kind of people I would identify.    
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Which barriers have an effect upon you?

Affective reasons is one of my barriers, because, sometimes our reasons are affected by emotions. These emotions would blind the true, and if you have strong emotions, it would be difficult to be impartial taking decisions. However, you do not take out our emotions because if you do not believe in your emotions anyone would change you easily the way to think. In addition, emotions sometime help you to take the correct decision or these that you think are true.
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