Whose viewpoint is expressed?

A group of philosophers, including the person who expresses the viewpoint. Also, the New York Court of Appeals that contributed to this article as well.

 What does the author want us to think?

We have to have a clear vision of human and person and not think that only humans can be persons. Taking account that there is a great deal of variability within species, similarity among species and change in species over time. In addition, we do not only have to focus on two options person or animal. We have to search for a third option that not affect the development of things.

What viewpoint is not expressed? Whose voice do we not hear?

The viewpoint which is not expressed is from Kiko and Tommy, because they were not recognized their capacity for rights. Even though they are sensitive, intelligent, social beings, Kiko and Tommy are considered things under the law.

What is an alternative perspective of the text?

A point of view is the idea of nonhuman personhood that includes all humans within the scope of personhood. At the same time, it includes some nonhumans too. For example, Kiko and Tommy who are conscious, emotional, intelligent, social beings whose lives are deeply entangled daily with our own, their current state of isolation notwithstanding.

Can you think of other questions this text responds to?

“Human” is best understood as a biological concept that refers, at present, to a member of a particular species, Homo sapiens. In contrast, “person” is best understood as a moral and legal concept that refers to an individual who can hold moral and legal rights.
The question, then, are:
Are you human or person?
Why might someone think that only humans can be persons?
What we are and who we are.


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